Parent Library

The following titles are available for parents to sign out in our Learning Commons.


The Rollercoaster Years: Raising your child through the maddening yet magical middle school years / Charlene C. Giannetti

How to Talk so teens will listen & listen so teens will talk / Adele Faber

The Drama Years: real girls talk about surviving middle school – bullies, brands, body image, and more / Haley Kilpatrick

The bully, the bullied, and the bystander / Barbara Coloroso

Help your teenager beat an eating disorder / James Lock

The everything parent’s guide to sensory processing disorder / Terri Mauro

The 10 best-ever anxiety management techniques / Margaret Wehrenberg

Hold on to your kids: why parents need to matter more than peers / Gordon Neufeld

Chicken soup for the soul: Think positive for kids / Kevin Sorbo

When kids are grieving: addressing grief and loss in school / Donna M. Burns

The explosive child: a new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children / Ross W. Greene

Be different: my adventures with Asperger’s and my advice for fellow aspergians, misfits, families and teachers / John Elder Robinson

Raising your spirited child: a guide for parents whose child is more intense, spirited, perceptive, persistent, and energetic / Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Bright not broken: gifted kids, ADHD, and autism / Diane M. Kennedy

Scattered minds: the origins and healing of attention deficit disorder / Gabor Mate

Conversations on the go: clever questions to keep teens and grown-ups talking / Mary Alice Ackerman

The 7 habits of highly effective families / Stephen R. Covey

Freeing your child from anxiety: practical strategies to overcome fears, worries, and phobias and be prepared for life-from toddlers to teens / Tamar E. Chansky

Stress free kids: a parent’s guide to helping build self-esteem, manage stress, and reduce anxiety in children / Lori Lite

Stand up for yourself & your friends: dealing with bullies and bossiness and finding a better way / Patti Criswell

Reviving Ophelia: saving the selves of adolescent girls / Mary Pipher

Masterminds & wingmen: helping our boys cope with schoolyard power, locker-room tests, girlfriends, and the new rules of boy world / Rosalind Wiseman

Setting limits with your strong-willed child / Robert J. Mackenzie

Kids are worth it: raising resilient, responsible, compassionate kids / Barbara Coloroso

How to hug a hedgehog: 12 keys for connecting with teens / Brad Wilcox

Middle school: the inside story – what kids tell us, but don’t tell you / Cynthia Tobias

Raising Cain: protecting the emotional life of boys / Dan Kindlon

What is panic disorder? / Carla Mooney

What in anxiety disorder? / Carla Mooney

What are sleep disorders? /  Leanne Currie-McGhee

What is self-injury disorder? / Janice M. Yuwiler

Teens and stress / Peggy J. Parks

Teens: cutting and self-injury / Peggy J. Parks

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